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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a mom who is seeking help with her health and wellness journey.. or, you’re not a mom and you simply want some more tips with your journey as well. The more the merrier! While I’m not an expert, I do have some tips of my own as I (try to) prioritize my health and wellness daily. Continue reading to get set on your health and wellness journey, and be sure to check out my Instagram for daily updates!
Ever since I could remember, my image was always something I struggled with, even as a child. I was “chunkier” as a kid growing up and it really started to affect how I saw myself throughout my teenage years. There were times when I was in high school, that a bowl of green beans was a dinner for me or a simple chocolate chip cookie. My way of thinking was “less is more”, and when it comes to your health, that’s not always the case. While it is imperative to not “overeat, it is also very important that you don’t “under eat” as well.
As a first time mom, I was ecstatic to learn that I was expecting, however, I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to control my cravings, continue working out and had a lot of self doubt of getting my body back after delivery. If you’re a mom that had the same worries, I’m here to tell you… it will be ok. Although there are days that I still struggle with my image (especially now expecting baby #2), I often have to remind myself that the human body is amazing. My body just carried a human being. We don’t realize how amazing we are, but if you sit back and think about it, we are all unique and beautiful in our own way.
Now, when it comes to my health and wellness.. that is one of the main things that has helped me on my journey, pregnant or not. I am always on Pinterest looking up fun, healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I even look up snacks as well. I then make a list of 2-3 recipes for the week.
1. This helps you keep track of what you’re eating and keep yourself and your family organized when it comes to meals. 2. Keeping a planned out list of what you plan to make for the week is a little bit nicer on the wallet. Instead of just buying random foods at the store and thinking of what to make for that week while grocery shopping, it’s much easier to just have your list and either order online with the option to pick up or have your groceries delivered or you can do the old fashioned way and just go grocery shopping with a list. Check out my blog post here where I give my top meal prepping pages on Pinterest.
One thing that is super important when it comes to eating healthy, is making sure you get your protein in for the day. I’m not a professional in this department, however, I do know that make sure you have enough protein in your daily diet is very important. Protein comes from things like meats (and fish), eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts and seeds. Having adequate protein with each meal helps you to stay fuller longer. It is also so important that you stay hydrated and drink your water daily. I cannot stress this enough.
I find as though one of the main things most people neglect to do is drink enough water throughout the day, and no, two bottles of water is not enough. It is said that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. Now go calculate that for yourself and get to drinking!
Aside from the food aspect of health and wellness, I can speak for myself as a mother when I say your mental health takes a toll. During the pregnancy, your hormones are all over the place, you’re exhausted and you’re still trying to comprehend the change that is about to happen and/or did happen. Postpartum is a whole other ball game. If you are struggling with postpartum depression, reach out to your health care professional. That being said, what I found that worked for me was meditating as well as reading daily affirmations and also reading/listening to daily affirmations. It can be so hard to get into the mind set of allowing positivity in, but just 10 minutes a day will make a huge difference!
I don’t have all of the answers, but I am hopeful that some of these tips will help out new moms, current moms, and even women who just needed some guidance in health and wellness. Don’t forget, 1. We’re all beautiful. 2. Protein and water are important. 3. Indulge in some personal development and daily affirmations, you will start to think positive and in return positive things will start happening.
I hope this post was helpful to all that have taken the time to read it. Like I stated before, I am no professional, but I am a human being just like yourself, providing tips that helped me throughout my motherhood journey. Be sure to check back to this blog every Sunday for an updated blog post and follow my Instagram for daily updates!
If this post was helpful in any way and you’d like to read more, be sure to pin this blog post to Pinterest!