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How many of you reading this dread Mondays? Yeah, me too.. but why? We should be grateful for another day we’re waking up and enjoying this beautiful life. The problem lies somewhere between most people not loving their day job and therefore feeling defeated in life. Well, I’m here to tell you that you are more than just your day job.

As we are all human, we all struggle with many of the same things in life. Not feeling good enough, feeling defeated, wanting more in life and not feeling fulfilled. If you think you’re alone in feeling this way, you are 100% wrong. Here are 3 things I try to do consistently to start my week off right.

1. Starting listening to podcasts

Before I started listening to podcasts, I was just cranking my tunes on my way into work every morning. While that was great and all, it wasn’t really helping me and there were actually days that I didn’t even feel like listening to music. I then found out about podcasts and I started listening to personal development podcasts as well as podcasts related to topics I was interested in, such as blogging and nursing. Now, podcasts might not be for everyone and that’s okay! But if you haven’t tried adding this yet to your daily routine, I highly recommend you give it a try! Here are some of my favorite personal development podcasts:

2. Make working out a priority

When I say working out, I’m not saying you have to be in the gym pumping iron and running a marathon. Working out shouldn’t be a hinderance in your life, rather something good you do for yourself. Whether it’s walking, jogging, going to the gym and getting a full body workout in or even doing at home workouts. Before I had my son (who is now 7 months old) I was going to the gym avidly and dedicating each day to a different workout day. Today, it is much more difficult to get to the gym, so I have dedicated at least 30 minutes of my time to working out, whether it be in the morning before work or in the evening after work. I will say, it is much harder to find time to do certain things once you have kids, but if you really want to make a change and dedicate your time to something, it’s not impossible. Moving your body and engaging in some type of working out is a great stress reliever. If you have known health issues, be sure to speak to your doctor prior to starting anything new. Here are some of my favorite YouTube channels that provide awesome at home workouts! :

3. Meal prep for the week

Meal prepping is something that has become increasingly popular as society has been trying to improve their health. This is something that can look so different for every single person and family, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. What works best for my family is choosing 2-3 proteins for the week whether that be chicken, shrimp, beef, salmon, etc., and alternating them every other day along with sides. This is a great way to ensure you are staying on track with your meals and it can also be nice on the wallet as you organize your food/meals for the week rather than just buying random foods and making something last minute. Now, this is something we really try to do most weeks, but lets be honest.. life can get crazy and not every week goes as planned. As long as you set your intentions right for the week and try, that’s all that matters. I will also mention that it is easier now than ever to find meals that are perfect for the week. Pinterest is my go-to for my meals! Here are some of my favorite Pinterest pages for meals/meal prepping:

I hope this helps at least one person in the near future. Life gets tough, but we’re tougher. Keep being a bada$$. As always, please give my instagram a follow as well as share this post on Pinterest to say up to date!

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